Today, my sweet one year-old baby sister Becca and I had the house completely to ourselves. Daddy is at the fire station today and Mom took the others swimming. That left just me and Boo Boo.(my pet name for Becca) We had a grand time. First, I got her up from her morning nap and fixed her lunch. After she was done, we headed over to the piano and played a few tunes together.
Once she got bored with that, I set her on the floor and practiced for awhile. I call it: Music to Play Baby-Dolls By. Then we went up-stairs and read a few books.
Next, we went down-stairs and had some leftover home-made peach cobbler(shh! don't tell anyone) and started to watch Sound of Music. About twenty minutes in to it Becca started to get sleepy so I put her down for a nap. Right about then Mom got home with the swimmers, so we all sat down and finished watching the movie together. It was a lovely Saturday.
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